Do you know that you can still get admission into a higher institution even with a Low UTME Score? The majority of UTME candidates who scored low in the just concluded UTME are not aware of this good news.
Due to the generally poor performance that is experienced in UTME in recent times, candidates usually resign to the fate that they are not getting admission in their respective chosen institutions. You do not have to lose hope of getting admission in the 2021/2022 academic session.
They are still many chances of getting admission into the institution of your choice and other institutions. In this article, I will be revealing those things that you can do and you will still be admitted Despite your low scores.
If you had scored between 120 to 180 or even less than 180, after reading this article, you will see understand that there is still hope of being admitted for you.
- What to Do to Stand a Chance of Being Admitted
- 1. Consider Institutions with Lower Cut-off Marks:
- 2. Make Change of Course Based on Your JAMB Score:
- 3. Go For Less Competitive Courses:
- 4. Prepare Very Well For Post UTME:
- 5. Study Past Questions:
- 6. Register for Pre-degree:
- 7. Register for JUPEB Programme:
- Other Things to Do:
What to Do to Stand a Chance of Being Admitted

Have you checked your UTME Score and you noticed that your score cannot fetch you admission in the institution that you applied for and into the course that you applied for, this is a better option for you if you want to secure admission in the 2021/2022 academic session.
You are expected to consider the following advice very important.
1. Consider Institutions with Lower Cut-off Marks:
As usual, whenever JAMB releases their general cut-off Mark for the year, respective institutions will always establish their benchmark according to their standard.
In recent years, Institutions’ cut-off Marks revolves between 180 to 200 for most federal Universities and some state Universities, 150 to 170 for Most state-owned Universities, Polytechnics and some College of Educations, and below 120 for College of Educations and Institute of Technologies.
For Universities; Considering institutions with lower cut-off Marks, the following two cases are obtainable:
a). If the cut-off Mark of the institution that you applied for is 180 and you did not score up to that in JAMB: Here you have to go for Universities that accept JAMB scores that are lower than 180 or you can also consider Polytechnics, College of Educations and other institutions.
b). If the cut-off Mark of the institution is 200 and you scored above 180: Also, here you have to consider Universities that accept JAMB scores that are lower than 200. At the same time, you can also go to Polytechnics, College of Educations, and other institutions.
If the institutions that you would want to consider here is not what you originally chose during your JAMB registration, you have to apply for a Change of Institutions on the JAMB website.
Make sure that you follow the due processes to effect this change. You can go online to check for institutions and their respective cut-off Marks to know which institution to choose.
2. Make Change of Course Based on Your JAMB Score:
Once you noticed that your JAMB score cannot secure your admission into the course you initially applied for, apply for a change of course through the same process that you used for a change of institutions.
Check institutions and their respective departmental cut-off Marks before you make this change.
3. Go For Less Competitive Courses:
While applying for a change of course and institutions, you are going stand a better chance if you are making your choice of course in the departments which aspirants do not compete too much to secure admission into.
For example, if you are changing your course of study from Medical Laboratory Science to chemistry Education you would be in better condition to be admitted than changing from Medicine and Surgery to Anatomy or Physiology.
4. Prepare Very Well For Post UTME:
If the institution that you applied for takes the Post UTME examination, you can still score very high and that will guarantee you admission. In every school that take the Post UTME examination, the JAMB score usually takes 60% while the Post UTME Score takes 40% of the average score that will qualify any candidate for admission.
Therefore, if you can perform very well in the post UTME, that would be an added advantage to you.
5. Study Past Questions:
As you are preparing for the institutions’ Post UTME, you have to inculcate the attitude of studying past questions papers. Make sure that you buy the institution’s Post UTME past Questions and study them alongside the JAMB past questions.
6. Register for Pre-degree:
Many students may not succeed in getting admission through the JAMB and Post UTME but will perform well in the Pre-degree programme of the institution.
This is also another way of securing admission even with a very low or no JAMB score. I recommend that you register for the Pre-degree programme as an alternative means to securing admission other than the JAMB process.
At the end of every Pre-degree programme, an examination will be taken, if you can get a score that meets the cut-off Mark of the course you want to stick to, you will also be considered for admission on merit just as candidates who scored very high in the JAMB examination.
7. Register for JUPEB Programme:
JUPEB is the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board. Getting admission into any institution through JUPEB Programme has nothing to do with writing UTME/JAMB.
Just like the Pre-degree programme, you enrol in a one year Programme and would be accessed at the end of the programme.
Based on your performance in the examination, you will be considered for admission. You are advised to register for JUPEB Programme and study hard while you are doing the programme.
This is the good thing about JUPEB Programme; if meet the requirement for admission at the end of the programme, you will be given admission to start with the second year in the course that you have chosen.
Other Things to Do:
Other things that you can still do to gain admission into the institution of your choice even with your low JAMB score include the following;
8. Apply for a Direct Entry if you have any qualification(s) that would be acceptable by the institution for admission consideration.
9. Pay Concessional Fee: Some institutions usually accept a stipulated amount of money for admission. Here, the amount paid varies depending on the course/department you want to be admitted into.
N/B: You can only pay Concession through a trusted connection.
10. Seek a Cordial relationship with the admission unit: if you have anyone or a relative who works in the admission unit, you might also be considered for admission.
11. Be prayerful for God’s grace and favour during the admission process.
12. Always be hopeful: These are the 12 things that you can do to get Admission with a Low UTME Score. If you think that your UTME Score in the just concluded JAMB examination is not good enough to secure your admission, make sure that you apply these rules so that you will be given admission.
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