Do you want to see the JAMB Government Questions and Answers for the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination? If yes, do not leave this website until you have read this article to the end.
This article is a special tool to help JAMB candidates who will be writing Government as one their subject combinations and are excited about scoring above 300 in the forthcoming examination. If you know that you belong to these categories of individual or you have someone else who will be sitting for the examination, make sure you take all information contained here very serious.
JAMB Government, just like some other subjects, is one the subject combinations for candidates who have chosen to study art and some social science courses in their undergraduate programmes.

Many times, I wonder why some students do not perform as expected in government in JAMB. Thorough research has shown that candidates would do very well in the examination if they are provided with hands on preparatory material before the examination period.
That is the reason why this article is important for all concerned candidates of JAMB. Here, I, on behalf of the Emonprime Team, will revealing to you all (EXPO) that you are expected to know about the JAMB Government Questions and Answers for 2024 examination.
If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, kindly read this article to the end.
JAMB Government Questions 2024
Note that all questions contained in this article is just for practice
The following are the likely JAMB Government Questions for the 2024 examination:
1. Which of the following is true of a parliamentary system of government?
A. clear seperation of government organs.
B. strict operation of bicameral legislature.
C. removal of government by impeachment.
D. adherence to majority rule.
2. When did Nigeria gain her Independence?
A. 1st October, 1963
B. 31st October, 1690
C. 1st October, 2012
D. 1st October, 1960
E. 12th October, 1992
3. Democracy means a system of government in which
A. the majority rules
B. the minority rules
C. there is no party system
D. the people rule
E. none of the above
4. A constitution is federal if
A. it provides for a presidential system
B. it is unwritten
C. it is not unitary
D. the central and component units or authorities are co-ordinate and equal
E. there is a division of powers between a central and a number of other component authorities
5. The Executive is
A. a committee of the legislature
B. the body that makes laws
C. the body that executes the policies of government
D. the highest organ of government
E. none of the above
6. The Judiciary is
A. an arm of the Executive
B. the body which makes the law
C. a body of lawyers
D. the body which interprets the law
E. the body which enforces the law
7. The Nigerian Youth Movement collapsed as the result of
A. its failure to win election
B. shortage of funds to run its affairs
C. the harassment of its leadership by government.
D. the breakup of its leadership.
8. The first restructure of the Nigerian Federation took place with the
A. creation of mid-west Region in 1963
B. abolition of federalism in 1966
C. military counter-coup in 1966
D. creation of states in 1967
9. The land use decree of 1978 vested the ownership of land in Nigeria in the
A. local chiefs
B. local govrnments
C. state governments
D. federal governments
10. The main source of financing local government in Nigeria is
A. internal revenue generation
B. statutory revenue allocation
C. special state grants
D. grants-in-aid
11. The highest authority in the Yoruba pre-colonial era was the _____
A. Ogboni
B. Oba
C. Oyomesi
D. Balogun
12. The philosophy behind Nigerian federalism is
A. unity in diversity
B. sectional development
C. review of sectionalism
D. colonial rule
13. One of the constitutional requirements for the registration of political parties in Nigeria is ______
A. provision for review of party manifesto
B. ofices in at least 12 states
C. menbership from at least 12 states
D. national presence in the federal capital territory
14. The Security Council of the United Nations Organization has
A. five permanent members
B. seven permanent members
C. four permanent members
D. three permanent members.
15. The oversight function is performed by the
A. judiciary
B. executive
C. court
D. legislature
16. Before the emergence of OAU as a regional body, Nigeria belonged to
A. Casablanca group
B. Monrovia group
C. Casablanca/Brazzavılle group
D. Brazzaville group
17. The political rights of a citızen include the
A. freedom of speech
B. right to employment
C. right to vote
D. right to lıfe
18. One of the features of rule of law is that an
A. offender is a deterrent
B. accused is a culprit before trial
C. accused must receive fair hearing
D. accused is an offender
19. The first Legislative Councıl in Nigeria was establisthed by
A. Clifford Constitution
B. Richards Constitution
C. Macpherson Constitution
D. Lytleton Constitution
20. An electoral system in which the winner must secure more than 50% of the vote is described as a/an
A. plurality system
B. proportional representation
C. an absolute majority
D. electoral oblıgation
21. A group of people with different natures, opinions, and goals with complicated networks of social relation
A. a union
B. an association
C. a society
D. a state
22. A political system built around land ownership is called
A. monarchy
B. fascism
C. feudalism
D. communalism
23. A one-party system helps to prevent
A. quick decısion
B. strong leadership
C. stable leadership
D. economic waste
24. The French colonial policy aimed at changing Africans into French men was the policy of
A. assimilation
B. accommodation
C. communes
D. association
25. A system of government in which a single person or a group who governs has unlimited power in a
A. oligarchy
B. republican
C. aristocracy
D. autocracy
26. The Judicial Service Commission is vested with the power to recommend suitable persons for appointment of the _____
A. National Judicıal Council
B. President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
C. Presıdent of the Senate
D. Chief Justice of Nigeria
27. A policy formulated to guide relations with other nations is called
A. international policy
B. state policy
C. national policy
D. foreign policy
28. A major consequence of the privatization exercise in Nigeria is
A. the collapse of the Nigerian economy
B. reduction in foreign exchange
C. hıgh rate of indebtedness
D. mass retrenchment of labour
29. The highest body which performed legislative functions under Babangida Regime was
A. the National Council of State
B. the Council of Minister
C. Armed Forces Ruling Council
D. the Council of ministers
30. The aim of the International Labour Organization includes
A. assistance in time of emergencies
B. safeguarding the rights of individuals
C. advancing social and economic justice
D. coordinating the activities of organized agencies
31. One of these is a major problem of the Nigerian civil service
A. inadequate personnel
B. political influence
C. corruption
D. lack of effective leadership
32. The basic unit of every political organization in the Igbo pre-colonial era was the
A. ala
B. family
C. age-grade
D. village council
33. The defense pact between Nigeria and Britain was canceled in the year
A. 1967
B. 1960
C. 1962
D. 1965
34. The absence of an independent judiciary is a feature of
A. limited monarchy
B. capitalıst system
C. republican system
D. oligarchy system
35. Nigeria is a major financier of which of the following?
36. A constıtution that requires specific statutory procedures for amendment is said to be
A. uncodıfied
B. unwritten
C. flexible
D. rigıd
37. The ultimate goal of the nationalists was to
A. secure political independence
B. encourage western education
C. promote African unity
D. promote African education
38. A recurring principal objective of Nigerian foreign policy is
A. defending Nigeria’s friends in Africa
B. cementing Nigeria’s foreign relations
C. promoting world peace with justice
D. Justıfyıng Nıgeria’s supremacy in Africa
39. The operations of a pressure group can be hindered by
A. poor leadership
B. general observation
C. membership drive
D. spiritual forces
40. The 1976 Local Government Reforms made the Nigerian local govenment become
A. autonomous
B. the fourth tier of government
C. 774 in number
D. recipient of statutory allocations
41. Which of these is not a major characteristic of the rule of law?
A. Judicial independence
B. Separation of powers
C. Equality before the law
D. Supremacy of the law
42. Unitary system of government is best applicable to a/an
A. multi-party state
B. homogeneous state
C. heterogenous state
D. unicameral state
43. The ________ as a new policy direction introduced by the French government that was aimed at granting more autonomy to its colonies under pressure from independence movements.
A. policy of assimilation
B. indignant policy
C. policy of association
D. Loi cadre
44. On 1 October 1995, Abacha announced a three-year program for return to civilian rule. Parties were allowed to form in July 1998. Which of the following parties was not registered by the Provisional Ruling Council?
A. Alliance for Democracy
B. Action Congress
C. All People’s party
D. People’s Democratic Party
45. The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) has its headquarters in
A. Abuja
B. Abidjan
C. Lome
D. Dakar
46. The conference convened to discuss the provisions of the Macpherson Constitution was held in?
A. London
B. Calabar
C. Lagos
D. Ibadan
47. Nigeria’s bicameral legislature featuring the House of Senate and House of Representatives is similar to ?
B. New Zealand
C. China
48. The process of pressure groups trying to influence legislation is known as
A. ultimatum
B. dialogue
C. strike
D. lobbying
49. In a federal system of government, legislative items constitutionally reserved for only the central government fall under the _________ list.
A. concurrent
B. executive
C. residual
D. exclusive
50. Which one of these served as secretary general of the League of nations?
A. Joseph Avenol
B. Trygve Lie
C. Javier Perez de Cuellar
D. Kurt Waldheim
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JAMB Government Answers 2024
Having seen the JAMB Government questions for the 2024 examination, I hope you would like to see the correct answers to all the given questions. The following are the correct answers to the 2023 JAMB government:
1. Correct Answer: Option D
Adherence to majority rule is true of a parliamentary system of government.
This is so due to the fact that the party having a majority in the legislature controls both the executive and the legislature from where the Prime Minister and ministers of his cabinet are chosen. The stability of this system also depends upon the ruling party controlling a reasonable majority in the parliament.
2. Correct Answer: Option D
3. Correct Answer: Option A
4. Correct Answer: Option E
In federal constitution , there is a division of powers between the federal and the state governments.
5. Correct Answer: Option C
6. Correct Answer: Option D
7. Correct Answer: Option D
The Nigerian Youth Movement collapsed as the result of the breakup of its leadership. The movement was in no distant time torn apart by leadership crisis. The crisis split the movement into factions. the two principal contestant were Ernest Ikoli and S.A Akorisanya
8. Correct Answer: Option A
The first restructure of the Nigerian Federation took place with the creation of mid-west Region in 1963.
The creation of mid-west Region which came into effect on October 1, 1963 was one of the provisions of 1963 constitution. With that the mid-western Region was carried out from the western Region. Nigeria then had four Regions and no more three.
9. Correct Answer: Option C
The Land Use Decree of 1978 vested the ownership of land in Nigeria in the state governments
10. Correct Answer: Option B
11. Correct Answer: Option B
The Oba is the highest authority in the Yoruba Kingdom. He is both the political and spiritual head of the Oyo kingdom popularly known as the Alaafin of Oyo.
12. Correct Answer: Option A
Unity in diversity is a phrase that signifies unity among people with diverse cultural, and religious beliefs, social status, and other demographic differences. Nigeria is a nation with a large population consisting of people with different beliefs, traditions, religions,
13. Correct Answer: Option D
The Party in its formation must provide evidence of ownership or rental of an office in at least 24 States of the Federation, with its headquarters located in the Federal Capital Territory
14. Correct Answer: Option A
The Security Council has 15 members: 5 permanent members with veto power.
15. Correct Answer: Option D
16. Correct Answer: Option B
17. Correct Answer: Option C
18. Correct Answer: Option C
19. Correct Answer: Option A
20. Correct Answer: Option C
21. Correct Answer: Option C
22. Correct Answer: Option C
23. Correct Answer: Option D
24. Correct Answer: Option A
The policy of assimilation was the official colonial policy of the French administration in West Africa. The system involved the imposition of French culture on West African culture. It was meant to substitute the culture, language, religion, law, mode of dressing, etc. of the people of West Africa with that of the French people.
25. Correct Answer: Option D
Autocracy a system of government by one person with absolute power.
26. Correct Answer: Option D
The Judicial Service Commission is vested with the power to recommend suitable persons for the appointment of the Chief justice of Nigeria.
27. Correct Answer: Option D
Foreign policy is a government’s strategy in dealing with other nations
28. Correct Answer: Option D
The sole aim of Privatization is profit-making. There is often a reduction of costs or spending and mass retrenchment of labour in response to economic difficulty.
29. Correct Answer: Option C
The Supreme Military Council, SMC was the top highest organ of the Federal Government of Nigeria in the military regimes of Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi, General Yakubu Gowon, Murtala Mohammed, General Obasanjo and Major General Muhammadu Buhari.
The body was instituted in 1966 by the administration of Aguiyi Ironsi deriving power from statute 8 of decree 1, it was later replaced as the highest body in a military regime by President Ibrahim Babangida in 1985 who created the Armed Forces Ruling Council.
30. Correct Answer: Option C
The International Labour Organization ( ILO) is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is the first and oldest specialized agency of the UN.
31. Correct Answer: Option A
32. Correct Answer: Option B
The Family Group is one of the most recognized institutions in pre-colonial Igbo society as the basic unit of every political institution.
33. Correct Answer: Option C
34. Correct Answer: Option D
35. Correct Answer: Option B
36. Correct Answer: Option D
37. Correct Answer: Option A
38. Correct Answer: Option C
39. Correct Answer: Option A
40. Correct Answer: Option A
41. Correct Answer: Option B
Separation of powers is also called a system of checks and balances because the branches can check up on each other and if any of the branches get too strong, that branch will be balanced by the others. However, it is not a feature of the rule of law.
42. Correct Answer: Option B
An homogeneous state has a single language, belief, culture and ethnicity among its people.
43. Correct Answer: Option D
The loi-cadre ( Reform Act) was a French legal reform passed by the French National Assembly on 23 June 1956. It marked a turning point in relations between France and its overseas empire. Under pressure from independence movements in the colonies, the government transferred a number of powers from Paris to elected territorial governments in French African colonies and also removed remaining voting inequalities by implementing universal suffrage and abolishing the multiple electoral college system.
44. Correct Answer: Option B
Three parties were registered by the Provisional Ruling Council for participation in local, state and national elections: the All People’s Party or APP led by Mahmud Waziri; the People’s Democratic Party or PDP led by Soloman Lar; and the Alliance for Democracy or AD, led by Ayo Adebanjo.
45. Correct Answer: Option C
The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID), is the financial institution established by the 15 Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) comprising Benin, Burkina Faso, Capo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
The Bank’s headquarters is in Lome, Togolese Republic.
46. Correct Answer: Option D
On the 9th of January, 1950, delegates from the northern, eastern and western regions of Nigeria met as a body in Ibadan to discuss issues on the new constitution Sir Macpherson was drafting (Macpherson constitution of 1951).
47. Correct Answer: Option D
The USA has both the House of Senate and House of Representatives. The UK has the House of Common and House of Lords instead. China and New Zealand both practise unicameralism.
48. Correct Answer: Option D
Pressure groups are organisations which seek to influence the policies of the government and this process is known as lobbying.
49. Correct Answer: Option D
Exclusive Legislative List
These are the areas the powers reserved exclusively for the central government are defined. This means that only the central or federal government can legislate on the subjects in the exclusive list. Interference of the regional or state governments on matters in the exclusive list can be declared null and void and unconstitutional.
50. Correct Answer: Option A
Joseph Avenol (1879–1952) was a French diplomat who served as the secretary-general of the League of Nations in the years leading up to World War II. He succeeded British diplomat, Eric Drummond.
Reasons For Poor Performance In JAMB Government
Many times, candidates of JAMB complain about how they were unable get the kind of scores they expected even after all their preparation. One thing that you should know is that there are reasons for this increasing poor performance in Government in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination.
In this section of this article, I am going to reveal to you the reasons behind the low level performance of Candidates in the JAMB Government and the surest ways to tackle these issues.
1. Poor Attention to JAMB Government Syllabus
JAMB Government syllabus is the best tool that every candidate who wishes to get satisfactory score in the examination should adopt during the period of preparation. It is what every candidate the right direction to follow in order to achieve maximum result.
Whenever the syllabus is not given the due consideration while preparing for the examination, the result is definitely going show negatively. It is the poor attention to this detail that will make a candidate not to focus on the expected topics for the examination.
To ensure that you follow the right path while preparing for Government examination in JAMB, you have to ensure that you read everything that you expected as provided in the JAMB syllabus.
2. Selecting Random Textbooks
In the JAMB syllabus, provisions have been made for recommended textbooks for ever subject. JAMB Government is not an exception to this case.
Some candidates perform poorly I JAMB government examination because they do not read the recommended textbooks. It is a bad reading habit to randomly select textbooks while paying less attention the recommended ones.
To achieve maximum success in JAMB government examination, you must ensure that you read the JAMB recommended textbooks very well. You can still read other books for more knowledge but you should prioritize the recommended ones.
3. Other Reasons
Others reasons why JAMB candidates do not make 100% success in Government are as follow:
- Poor reading attitudes
- Inadequate knowledge about government terminologies
- Poor attention to past questions
- Poor time management.
If you would be disciplined enough to overcome all these abnormalities stated above, you high score in the JAMB government examination is surely guaranteed.
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