This article reveals the WAEC questions and Answers for 2023 | Theories and Objectives. All the 2023 WAEC Candidates should not take any information contained in this article for granted. It’s an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss.
WAEC English Language Subject is a compulsory paper for every candidates of WAEC, not minding your area of specialization; whether Arts or Sciences.
A lot of persons have been searching online to see the nature of the 2023 WAEC English language questions and answers, possibly the exact questions that are going to be asked in the examination.
In a way of trying to help the students I have decided that publishing this article here for the benefit of the general public would be the best. Therefore, all the candidates who will be sitting for the WAEC English Language examination in 2023 should take advantage of this article.
In this article, I will be revealing to you all the expected questions for 2023 WAEC English Language and their respective answers.
In case you are looking for the best strategies to apply in order to pass your WAEC English Language examination at one sitting or you have written WAEC before but you could not scale through English Language, this is best article for you.
I am also going to be giving you some basic tips that you require for all your examinations. Kindly read to the end if you desire to have a detailed information about WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 | Objectives, Test of Orals and Theories.
- Complete WAEC English Language Questions and Answers for 2023
- WAEC English Objective Questions 2023 (ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2)
- WAEC English Language Objective Answers 2023
- 2023 WAEC English TEST OF ORALS (Questions and Answers)
- WAEC English Theory Questions (English Language 1)
- WAEC Theory Answers 2023
- Marks Allotted to WAEC English Language Examinations
Complete WAEC English Language Questions and Answers for 2023

See: Updated May/June WAEC Timetable for the 2023
WAEC English Objective Questions 2023 (ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2)
Answer all the questions
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen.
Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below. Be sure you understand the instructions at the beginning of each section before you try to answer any of the questions that follow them.
Do not spend too much time on a question. If you find a question difficult, leave it and go on and try it again later.
Use HB pencil throughout. If you wish to change an answer, erase your first answer completely and shade the appropriate space for the new answer. Do all rough work on this question paper. An example is given below.
He got into trouble in an attempt to conceal the truth…………………me
B. against
C. from
D. for
The correct answer is from, which is lettered C and therefore answer space C would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change.
Now answer the following questions.
In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.
1. Tom is refined but his brother is rather…………………….
A. arrogant
B. crude
C. unskilful
D. foolish
2. Lions are in extinction in The Gambia but monkeys are still in………….
A. action
B. existence
C. vogue
D. custody
3. Mary’s explanation was explicit but mine was………………
A. long
B. winding
C. vague
D. irrelevant
4. The major demanded an unalloyed, and not a……………….loyalty from his soldier.
A. strict
B. wavering dah
C. clumsy
D. alterable
5. The brevity of the President’s speech contrasts with the………. of the secretary’s.
A. accuracy
B. vagueness
C. clarity
D. verbosity
6. I can vouch that he broke the glass accidentally and not……………….
A. forcefully
B. directly
C. carefully
D. deliberately
7. Only question one is compulsory; therefore, the rest are……..
A. easy
B. clear
C. confusing
D. optional
8. The magistrate convicted the hardened criminal but……………. and discharged the first offender.
A. acquitted
B. jailed
C. released
D. sentenced
9. Houses built with bricks are sturdy while those built with glass are…….
A. temporary
B. fragile
C. beautiful
D. cosy
10. The principal is very strict but his vice is…………………..
A. peaceful
B. lenient
C. kind
D. efficient
Check: Complete WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.
11. The brutal killing of members of the opposition provoked strong……………..
A. condemnation
B. accusation
C. molestation
D. denial
12. The doctor…………………my illness is malaria.
A. discovered
B. diagnosed
C. prescribed
D. announced
13. Since we should not disclose our identity, our letter to the principal must be………………………
A. unclear
B. anonymous
C. ambiguous
D. candid
14. Although we pleaded for long with our father, he remained…………….that we should not go to the stadium.
A. callous
B. curious
C. adamant
D. indifferent
15. Since hard drugs are destroying our youths, our government has placed an………….on them.
A. injunction
B. infringement
C. order
D. embargo
See also: 2023 WAEC Biology Practical Specimen, Questions and Answers
16. Oseli’s ……………teacher teaches English, Physics, Economics and Technical Drawing.
A. efficient
B. jovial
C. kind
D. versatile
17. Some political leaders love………………who always praise their government.
A. sycophants
B. parasites
C. allies
D. favourites
18. The…………….. of the new king will take place next week.
A. re-election
B. demotion.
C. coronation
D. re-admission
19. The match was a…………….. for Brazil because their team was stronger than the opposing team.
A. profit
B. giveaway
C. walkover
D. defeat
20. Kofi is too……………; he wants to know about everybody’s business
A. inquisitive
B. friendly
C. concerned
D. busy
After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.
21. Ali does not let grass grow under his feet. This means that Ali
A. does not waste time in doing things.
B. is very wicked.
C. cuts the grass in his field always.
D. is very selfish.
22. The dishonest trader always palms off faulty goods on her customers. This means that the trader always
A. handles bad goods. B. refunds money to her customers.
C. tricks her customers into accepting bad products.
D. pays the penalty for selling faulty goods.
23. Ojo’s learning has gone to his head. This means that Ojo
A. has become proud because of his learning.
B. has learnt too much.
C. has been made mad by his learning.
D. feels that only learning is important.
24. When the vice principal left the school, it became a bedlam. This means that
A. every student attended school regularly.
B. punctuality was the order of the day.
C. many students boycotted classes.
D. there was noise and confusion in the school.
25. That amount Ivan donated was his widow’s mite. This means that Ivan
A. gave all that the widow had.
B. was miserly.
C. gave all that he had.
D. could have given more.
26. Fatou’s awkward behaviour shows that she is a greenhorn. This means that Fatou is
A. arrogant.
B. inexperienced.
C. inattentive.
D. cautious.
27. To secure more votes, the politician played to the gallery. This means that the politician
A. became over confident.
B. attempted to win cheap popularity.
C. was selfish.
D. went to the gallery.
28. Those who think that all is well in Cascadia are living in a fool’s paradise. This means that
A. they are fools.
B. some fools live in Cascadia.
C. they are under an illusion.
D. they are almost insane.
29. While paying a visit to his uncle, Ayo intends to kill two birds with one stone. This means that Ayo
A. promises to bring two birds home.
B. takes part in a double deal.
C. hopes to achieve two aims with one action.
D. intends to do two things at the same time.
30. People hardly show their true colours. This means that people rarely show
A. their abilities.
B. how colourful they can be.
C. their real character.
D. how noble they are.
From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.
31. Mary was kept in solitary confinement.
A. idle
B. quiet
C. lonely
D. harsh
32. Buba has a very alluring personality.
A. attractive
B. intricate
C. deceptive
D. interesting
33. Hard drugs are detrimental to health.
A. paramount
B. ineffective
C. necessary
D. harmful
34. My father remains inflexible once he has taken a decision.
A. certain
B. relaxed
C. permanent
D. unyielding
35. Maxwell usually makes obnoxious remarks.
A. prudent
B. offensive
C. unpredictable
D. queer
36. We should prevail upon Kwesi to accept the job.
A. provoke
B. persuade
C. cajole
D. force
37. The team has an arduous task ahead of it.
A. a severe
B. a heavy
C. a strenuous
D. an enjoyable
38. The two tasks should be undertaken concurrently.
A. consecutively
B. alternatively
C. immediately
D. simultaneously
39. The students were told to review their assignments.
A. re-examine
B. recount
C. inspect
D. return
40. Marian does not have the stamina to run that race.
A. courage
B. energy
C. determination
D. ability
From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.
41. I want just……..sugar in my tea.
A. a few
B. small
C. little
D. a little
42. Since the opposing parties could not come to an agreement, the peace talks………………………
A. broke up
B. broke down
C. broke through
D. broke out
43. Children often have implicit confidence…………….their parents.
A. for
B. on
C. with
D. in
44. If I had heard the news earlier, I………………… stayed at home.
A. would have
B. will have
C. will not have
D. would have not
45. The order is that everyone must be bed by midnight.
A. on
B. inside
C. in
D. within
46. To succeed in any business, one must be prepared to shake……….. one’s lazy habits.
A. off
B. over
C. down
D. of
47. ………………in his right senses will swallow live coals.
A. Anyone
B. No one
C. Everyone
D. Each one
48. One of the clever pupils……………….. able to solve the problem
A. can
B. was
C. were
D. are
49. He has stopped being foolish,.
A. doesn’t he
B. does he
C. hasn’t he
D. isn’t it
50. I maintain that the property in question is…………………….
A. mine
B. our
C. my
D. their
51. Although Sylvester and John promised to be here, ……………has turned up.
A. both
B. all
C. neither
D. either
52. The house………………….has lives is spacious
A. that
B. where
C. by which
D. to which
53. It is high time you…………… this place
A. left
B. leave
C. had left
D. have left
54. Since you have lost your birth certificate, you have to go……… an affidavit.
A. for
B. in
C. on
D. to
55. The musicians have not arrived from Sierra Leone,
A. had they
B. hadn’t they
C. haven’t they
D. have they
56. On my way home, I saw a …….
A. one-legged young mad man
B. young one-legged mad man
C. one-legged mad young man
D. mad one-legged young man
57. People living in villages have a passion………….. animals
A. to
B. with
C. for
D. of
58. Kebba and Kwame are very selfish; they care about only………………
A. themselves
B. one another
C. each other
D. himself
59. You had better………..your assignment now.
A. did
B. done
C. doing
D. do
60. Our kind teacher only cautioned the bully and let him.
A. off
B. by
C. over
D. away
61. My………………… is on the next street.
A. father-in-law’s
B. father’s-in-law
C. fathers’-in-law
D. father-in-laws’
62. The Mathematics teacher made us commit the formula…………. memory.
A. on
B. to
C. into
D. by
63. Momodou has been ill……………… three weeks now.
A. since
B. for
C. through
D. before
64. They kept quiet all the…………………
A. where
B. period
C. while
D. interval
65. ………………caused the havoc, he sneaked off.
A. On
B. After
C. Since
D. Having
66. The point on…………………….. we disagreed was trivial.
A. which
B. whom
C. what
D. whose
67. How did you arrive at………….wonderful conclusion?
A a such
B. that a
C. that such
D. such a
68. The government cannot…………….the decision any longer.
A. put on
B. put off
C. put up
D. put back
69. The teachers……………..our poor performance in the examinations.
A are discussing on
B. were discussing about
C. had discussed on
D. were discussing
70. The wise thing to do is not to give………….. to the temptation.
A. in
B. on
C. for
D. with
71. My sister told me all……………. was said at the meeting.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. who
72. The quarrel between Olu and Ola will end up………….a fight.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. among
73. Musa did not want to fetch water for his grandfather; ……….. his mother made him do it.
A. even
B. otherwise
C. nevertheless
D. moreover
74. The citizens welcomed all the African……………………
A. heads of states
B. heads of state
C. head of states
D. head of state
75. Mother said she saw Alfred,…………………….?
A. did she
B. she didn’t
C. she did
D. didn’t she
In the following passages, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below each passage, four options are offered in columns lettered A to D. Choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gaps in the passages.
In recent times, more and more people have become aware of the-76-of the stock market and the possibility of making huge profits from investing in stocks and shares.
The process is quite easy: a person either buys the shares directly during a public-77-or does so through professional institutions or experts known as stock –78-. Thereafter, the buyer is issued with a share-79-to show that he owns shares in a company.
Investing in stocks and shares can be for a long or short term. A long-term investor does not hurry to sell his shares at any slight increase in price but instead is satisfied with the-80-which the company sends to him and other-81-annually from the-82-it declares.
This is usually paid according to the number of –83-the investor holds. Those who invest for a short term, on the other hand, sell their shares as soon as they can make reasonable profit from their investment.
However, it is advisable to be cautious because the stock market can be very-84– and occasionally there are-85–
… | A | B | C | D |
76 | trading | operations | methods | transactions |
77 | Offer | lottery | Action | Sale |
78 | Traders | clients | Brokers | marketers |
79 | Warrant | identification | notice | certificate |
80 | dividend | Reward | money | payment |
81 | buyers | people | creditors | shareholders |
82 | Amount | profit | value | unit |
83 | Items | papers | shares | receipts |
84 | unsure | independent | elusive | unstable |
84 | Falls | crashes | slips | Drops |
One of the world’s oldest – 86– is teaching. There must have been-87– who were respected because they were able to guide and –88– children towards the –89– of the desired goals of their communities.
The –90- ceremonies for young adults common to many cultures are part of the – 91– education process of those cultures. There are also many informal ways of educating the young ones.
When a young girl helps her mother in preparing the family-92-, she is learning culinary skills in an informal setting. One’s-93-group has a great influence on one.
In the formal set-up of our schools today, education is well-94-. There is the-95– of authority from the principal down to the class-96-. We have a fixed-97-which plays an important role in –98– our attitudes and conditioning our-99-and responses to the demands of our-100
… | A | B | C | D |
86 | tasks | activities | professions | duties |
87 | societies | clubs | groups | individuals |
88 | coerce | motivate | force | allow |
89 | attainment | creation | enforcement | evolution |
90 | secret | outing | naming | initiation |
91 | formal | special | exclusive | privileged |
92 | Diet | dishes | menu | meal |
93 | friendly | school | peer | sex |
94 | Fixed | formed | organized | shaped |
95 | hierarchy | step | method | grade |
96 | supervisors | officers | pupils | Prefects |
97 | timetable | Set-up | curriculum | calender |
98 | reviewing | shaping | creating | repairing |
99 | behaviour | success | learning | Objective |
100 | Home | area | place | Society |
See also: JAMB Chemistry Questions and Answers for day 1, 2, 3 & 4 – 2023
JAMB Cut Off Mark for All Institutions 2023
WAEC English Language Objective Answers 2023
Having seen the expected WAEC English Language objective questions, you have to create time and ensure that you solve all the given questions. You have to seek the assistance of a competent English Language teacher(s) to ensure that you get the correct answers to the objective questions.
You can also make use of the comment section under this article if you want to have to answers to the given objective questions
Also keep refreshing this page as the answers are going to be posted in a short while.
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2023 WAEC English TEST OF ORALS (Questions and Answers)
Answer all the questions.
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question.
Be sure you understand the instructions at the beginning of each section before you try to answer any of the questions that follow them.
Do not spend too much time on a question. If you find a question difficult, leave it and go on and try it again later.
Use HB pencil throughout. If you wish to change an answer, erase your first answer completely and shade the appropriate space for the new answer.
Do all rough work on this question paper.
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.
Example: seat
A. sit
B. cite
C. set
D. key
The correct answer is D because only key contains the same vowel as the one underlined in seat. Therefore, answer space D would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
1. fussy
A. buffalo
B. burn
C. could
D. bout
2. guard
A. slack
B. gourd
C. father
D. haven
3. ship
A. peep
B. feast
C. wine
D. brick
4. purpose
A. kernel
B. pun
C. mustache
D. sage
5. flee
A. sway
B. creative
C. breaches
D. dread
6. lad
A. palm
B. format
C. squat
D. wonder
7. troupe
A. cook
B. paw
C. push
D. who
8. afford
A. earn
B. fern
C. lead
D. matter
9. dent
A. leopard
B. germ
C. legal
D. she
10. spot
A. court
B. probe
C. nod
D. snort
11. over
A. brush
B. burn
C. lock
D. load
12. brow
A. slush
B. know
C. now
D. show
13. tray
A. straw
B. tyre
C. sleigh
D. fear
14. heir
A. peer
B. liar
C. dire
D. chair
15. spear
A. feat
B. heat
C. weird
D. where
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.
Example: vice
A. cat
B. dress
C. show
D. chalk
The correct answer is B because only dress has the same consonant sound as the one underlined in vice. Therefore, answer space B would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
16. sober
A. climb
B. plumber
C. lumber
D. lamb
17. mate
A. funny
B. comb
C. knew
D. bran
18. chaos
A. chiffon
B. match
C. clinic
D. smash
19. note
A. design
B. song
C. solemn
D. bring
20. dose
A. debris
B. goes
C. goose
D. lose
21. days
A. freeze
B. island
C. face
D. thanks
22. cheap
A. joggle
B. sober
C. sachet
D. culture.
23. insure
A. pleasure
B. cheap
C. vision
D. ocean
24. mixed
A. pumped
B. thronged
C. climbed
D. sponged
25. gear
A. gesture
B. germ
C. ghetto
D. neighbour
26. drink
A. sting
B. dent
C. snag
D. singe
27. axe
A. sacks
B. slumped
C. school
D. bask
28. whole
A. whale
B. hour
C. hide
D. heir
29. grip
A. cart
B. fearing
C. burnt
D. courting
30. thrive
A. wreathe
B. thus
C. though
D. tooth
See also: How to Check WAEC Result Online
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. An example is given below.
Example: obtain
A. detain
B. detail
C. claim
D. relay
The correct answer is A because only detain rhymes with obtain. Therefore, answer space A would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
31. clone
A. crown
B. lawn
C. brown.
D. loan
32. monk
A. smack
B. pluck
C. sunk
D. shock
33. pride
A. sprout
B. kite
C. spade
D. wide
34. hind
A. void
B. laud
C. signed
D. speed
35. disdain
A. convey
B. curtain
C. avail
D. ordain
In each of the following questions, the main/ primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters.
From the words lettered A to D choose the one that has the correct stress. An example is given below.
Example: democratic
A. DE – mo – cra – tic
B. de- MO – cra – tic
C. de-mo-CRA-tic
D. de- o – cra – TIC
The correct answer is C because the main/ primary stress of the word democratic is on the third syllable. Therefore, answer space C would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
36. indoctrinate
A. IN-doc-tri-nate
B. in-DOC-tri-nate
C. in-doc-TRI-nate
D. in-doc-tri-NATE
37. refinery
A. RE – fin – e – ry
B. re – FIN – e – ry
C. re – fin – E – ry
D. re – fin – e – RY
38. phenomenal
A. PHE-no-me-nal
B. phe-NO-me-nal
C. phe-no-ME-nal
D. phe- no – me – NAL
39. consistency
A. CON-sis-ten-cy
B. con-SIS-ten-cy
C. con-sis-TEN-cy
D. con-sis-ten-CY
40. acrobatic
A. AC-ro-ba-tic
B. ac-RO-ba-tic
C. ac-ro-BA-tic
D. ac-ro-ba-TIC
In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern and shade your answer in the usual way. An example is below.
A. away
B. apart
C. behind
D. river
Options A, B, C are all stressed on the second syllable while option D is the only one stressed on the first syllable. So, D is the correct answer. Therefore, answer space D would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
41. A. swindle.
B. sandals
C. bucket
D. extreme
42. A. convenient
B. excellent
C. durable
D. camouflage
43. A. accede
B. convey
C. dissuade
D. closure
44. A. tradition
B. affiliate
C. beautiful
D. consistent
45. A. constructive
B. technical
C. necessary
D. plentiful
In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. An example is given below.
Example: My mother’s FRIEND hates pets.
A. Does your mother’s boss hate pets?
B. Does your mother’s friend love pets?
C. Does your mother’s friend hate toys?
D. Does your father’s friend hate pets?
The correct answer is A because My mother’s FRIEND hates pets answers the question, Does your mother’s boss hate pets? Therefore, answer space A would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
46. The playwright gave a TRIBUTE to her mother.
A. Did the playwright give a gift to her mother?
B. Did the singer give a tribute to her mother?
C. Did the playwright dedicate a tribute to her mother?
D. Did the playwright give a tribute to her father?
47. The WRITER sold a million copies of his new book.
A. Did the writer sell a thousand copies of his new book?
B. Did the writer publish a million copies of his new book?
C. Did the artist sell a million copies of his new book?
D. Did the writer sell a million copies of his old book?
48. The union congratulated the ELECTED president.
A. Did the union congratulate the ousted president?
B. Did the management congratulate the elected president?
C. Did the union reject the elected president?
D. Did the union congratulate the elected chairman?
49. A good description INCLUDES specific nouns.
A. Does a good description include specific verbs?
B. Does a good description exclude specific nouns?
C. Does a poor description include specific nouns?
D. Does a good description include obscure nouns?
50. The MANAGEMENT will continue to encourage hardworking staff.
A. Will the management continue to retrench hardworking staff?
B. Will the principal continue to encourage hardworking staff?
C. Will the management refuse to encourage hardworking staff?
D. Will the management continue to encourage hardworking clients?
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. An example is given below.
Example: /Ɔɪ/
A. yell
B. holy
C. boy
D. idiot
The correct answer is C because only boy. contains the sound represented by the given symbol. Therefore, answer space C would be shaded.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now answer the questions that follow.
51. /i/
A. dream
B. seize
C. fee
D. funny
52. /Ə/
A. coral
B. draft
C. then
D. spleen
53. /Ʊ/
A. cook
B. dew
C. blunt
D. bloom
54. /˄/
A. council
B. fulfil
C. plunge
D. wiles
55. /i:/
A. early
B. pile
C. putrid
D. cleave
56. /ʃ/
A. measure
B. huge
C. pressure
D. church
57. /I/
A. helm
B. calm
C. palm
D. alms
58. /s/
A. purse
B. bees
C. whose
D. ways
59. /ð/
A. theme
B. smooth
C. method
D. bath
60. /ʤ/
A. gauge
B. match
C. gear
D. wag
WAEC English Theory Questions (English Language 1)
Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry
equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words long.
You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.
1. Write a letter to your father, who has been on a long course abroad, telling him how the family has been faring in his absence.
2. Write an article suitable for publication in a cultural magazine on
the advantages and disadvantages of the extended family system.
3. The last nation-wide strike by secondary school teachers affected
your school adversely. Write a letter to the Minister of Education
suggesting at least three ways of preventing future strike actions.
4. You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: “Civilian rule is better
than military rule.” Write your contribution for or against the motion.
5. Write a story, real or imagined, which illustrates the saying: “Make
hay while the sun shines.”
Answer all the questions in this section. You are advised to spend
about 50 minutes on this section.
6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
Bitrus, a middle-aged man, was speeding along the hot tarmac one
afternoon, oblivious of the countryside. By his side, reading a magazine, was his first son, a twenty-year old university computer science student.
On the man’s mind was the contract he was pursuing in the capital city. It was worth several million dollars. Although he had handled bigger contracts before, Bitrus was preoccupied with this new challenge, his mind far away from the road before him. His son too was buried in the magazine he was reading.
So, neither saw the goat crossing the road early enough. Like an automaton, Bitrus jammed on the brakes. In a flash, there was a skid and a somersault. The villagers worked for almost an hour on the wreckage of the huge Mercedes before rescuing the two.
There, in the casualty ward, the duo lay on the stretchers. Bitrus was soon in a fairly stable condition, but anybody would know that the son needed prompt specialist medical attention.
The doctor was sent for, a surgeon who regularly handled such cases. Soon enough, the doctor came. The nurses heaved a sigh of relief. But then … “Oh no, I can’t handle this case. He’s my son!” Everyone was shocked.
One of the nurses pleaded, “But doctor, you must do something, otherwise, .” “No, he’s my son. I’ll have to transfer this case.” And so, tearfully, more agitated than anybody around, the doctor hurried away to call a colleague.
Here was Bitrus, with multiple injuries, but not in danger. In the adjoining room was his son, still comatose. How then could a doctor come in and say, “This is my son”? Wasn’t Bitrus the father after all?
Most people would reason that the doctor was truly the secret biological father.
Others, reasoning hard, would conclude that the doctor was Bitrus’s father and thus was right in describing his grandson as his son. But for how long would people continue to think that all doctors must be male? Couldn’t the doctor have simply been Mrs. Bitrus?
(a) (i) What was the remote cause of the accident?
(ii) What was the immediate cause?
(b) What does the passage suggest about doctors’ attitude to the cases they handle?
(c) Describe the conditions of Mr. Bitrus and his son at the hospital.
(d). What assumption about doctors does the passage illustrate?
(e) “His son too was buried in the magazine he was reading.”
(i) What type of figurative expression is this?
(ii) What does it mean?
(f) “… that the doctor was truly the secret biological father”.
(i) What grammatical name is given to this expression?
(ii) What is its function as it is used in the sentence?
(g) For each of the following, find a word or phrase that means the
same and can replace it as it is used in the passage:
(i) oblivious;
(ii) prompt;
(iii) regularly;
(iv) pleaded;
(v) agitated;
(vi) adjoining.
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
In the 1960s and 1970s undergraduates did not need to apply for
employment. Employers usually wooed them by depositing offers of jobs in their halls of residence for those interested to pick and choose from as soon as they finished writing their degree examinations.
How things have changed! We have since “progressed” from this age of abundance in which unemployment was hardly heard of to one of economic recession and widespread unemployment.
The problem is so acute nowadays that one finds unemployment even among engineers and doctors.
What are the causes of this phenomenon? For one thing, our educational system does not train its products for self-employment.
Everybody expects the government or the private sector to provide them with a job at the end of their studies.
As we have now realized, the government and the private sector combined cannot create enough jobs to go round the army of graduates turned out annually by our universities.
For another, many parents encourage their children to enrol in courses leading to prestigious and lucrative professions for which they may be intellectually unsuited.
They end up obtaining poor degrees or none at all. Such graduates cannot compete on the job market, so they swell the ranks of the unemployable and the unemployed.
Perhaps the most important single cause of unemployment is economic recession. During periods of boom, economic activities are generated in abundance and these make plenty of jobs available. But the reverse is the case in times of economic recession.
There is no simple solution to the problem. Everyone in the society has a role to play here. The government has a duty to ensure that the economy is buoyant, thus providing the right environment for the creation of jobs.
The educational authorities have to orientate the process of education towards the production of job creators rather than job seekers. Guidance and counselling services should be made available in all secondary institutions.
Parents, too, should stop misdirecting their children into choosing careers for which they are ill-suited.
(a) (i) What was the employment situation like in the 1960s and 1970s?
(ii) What is the situation now?
(b) In what ways do the educational system, the parents and the students contribute to the unemployment situation?
(c) Mention three suggestions given in the last paragraph for solving the problem.
(d) Why does the writer enclose the word progressed (first paragraph) in quotation marks?
(e) “… for which they may be intellectually unsuited.”
(i) What grammatical name is given to this expression?
(ii) What is its function as it is used in the sentence?
(f) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same and can replace it as it is used in the passage:
(i) recession;
(ii) acute;
(iii) army;
(iv) lucrative;
(v) boom;
(vi) orientate.
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You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.
8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question on it.
Poverty! Can anyone who has not really been poor know what poverty is? I really doubt it. How can anyone who enjoys three square meals a day explain what poverty means?
Indeed, can someone who has two full meals a day claim to know poverty? Perhaps, one begins to grasp the real meaning of poverty when one struggles really hard to have one miserable meal in twenty-four hours.
Poverty and hunger are cousins, the former always dragging along the latter wherever he chooses to go.
If you are wearing a suit, or a complete traditional attire, and you look naturally rotund in your apparel, you cannot understand what poverty entails.
Nor can you have a true feel of poverty if you have some good shirts and pairs of trousers, never mind that all these are casual wear. Indeed, if you can change from one dress into another, and these are all you can boast of, you are not really poor.
A person begins to have a true feel of what poverty means when, apart from the tattered clothes on his body, he doesn’t have any other, not even a calico sheet to keep away the cold at night.
Let us face it, how can anyone who has never slept outside, in the open, appreciate the full, harsh import of homelessness? Yet that is what real, naked poverty, is. He who can lay claim to a house, however humble, cannot claim to be poor.
Indeed, if he can afford to rent a flat, or a room in a town or city, without the landlord having cause to eject him, he cannot honestly claim to be poor. The really poor man has no roof over his head, and this is why you find him under a bridge, in a tent or simply in the vast open air.
But that is hardly all. The poor man faces the world as a hopeless underdog. In every bargain, every discussion, every event involving him and others, the poor man is constantly reminded of his failure in life.
Nobody listens attentively when he makes a point, nobody accepts that his opinion merits consideration. So, in most cases, he learns to accept that he has neither wisdom nor opinion.
The pauper’s lot naturally rubs off on his child who is subject not only to hunger of the body but also of the mind. The pauper lacks the resources to send his child to school.
And even in communities where education is free, the pauper’s child still faces an uphill task because the hunger of the body impedes the proper nourishment of the mind.
Denied access to modern communications media, the poor child has very little opportunity to understand the concepts taught him. His mind is a rocky soil on which the teacher’s seeds cannot easily germinate.
Thus embattled at home and then at school, the pauper’s child soon has very little option but to drop out of the school.
That is still not all. Weakened by hunger, embattled by cold and exposure to the elements, feeding on poor water and poor food, the pauper is an easy target for diseases.
This is precisely why the poorest countries have the shortest life expectancies while the longest life expectancies are recorded among the richest countries. Poverty is really a disease that shortens life!
In six sentences, one for each, summarize the problems of the poor man.
WAEC Theory Answers 2023
All the answers to the 2022 WAEC English Language theory questions shall be posted here in a short while. You have to keep refreshing this page if you really wish to have access to all the answers.
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Marks Allotted to WAEC English Language Examinations
In this section, I am going to show you how the West African Examination Council allot marks to each section of their examinations. Usually, WAEC has about three papers to write for their WAEC examination.
The grading systems for each of the papers are given below;
WAEC English Language 1 (Theories)
Section A (Essay Writing)…………………….. 50 marks
Section B (Comprehension)…………………. 40 marks
Section C (Summary)……………………………. 30 marks
WAEC English Language 2 (Objective Test)….. 100 marks
WAEC English Language 3 (Test of Orals)…….. 60 marks
Tips on How Pass WAEC English Language
This section the article is for everyone and especially for all those candidates who are desperate to knowing the right thing to do in order to achieve excellent performance in WAEC English Language.
The following are the special tips on how to WAEC English Language:
Read Instructions
Once you have settled to take your examination in the examination hall, the next thing that you must do first is to read through the instructions on top of the page before you can proceed with reading the questions.
Most times, some instructions are specific to some questions, maybe one or two questions. Here, you still have to take those instructions very serious.
Read Carefully
Before you can proceed to answering WAEC English Language questions, it is highly recommended that you read carefully to understand any question before you can start to answer the questions.
It is possible to see questions that would be similar to what you have been seeing before, probably in past questions, but they are not the same.
This is the point where it is very necessary that you meticulously go through the question before you answer, to avoid choosing the wrong option for objectives and giving wrong explanations for theory questions.
Take Note of Compulsory Questions
In every WAEC examination, there is/are usually some questions that are specially made compulsory by the West Africa Examination Council. These questions are always seen in the paper 2 which is theory aspect of it.
You must ensure that you are able to answer those compulsory questions before you can think of answering any other ones. The compulsory questions do carry special mark.
Start with the Simplest
The complexity of every question in WAEC English Language varies. After you have gone through the questions, you would be able to tell which of the questions are simple and the ones that are difficult.
The best approach in such case requires that you answer the questions from the simplest to the most complex ones. This is important because it will help to cushion you against examination tension.
Not only that, it also helps in the management of your time. If you are finding any question difficult to answer, you have to leave it and go to the next. Thereafter, you can re-visit those questions that you have left unanswered.
5. Attempt all the Question
Though it is advisable that you start answering your question from the simplest, leaving the more difficult ones at the first attempts, it does not imply that you should submit you examination without answering those ones you skipped.
It quite understandable that you may not know all the asked questions, you are still required choose your answers even the ones that you do not really know very well.
Sometime, your guess can fall in place and become the right answer. So always ensure that you attempt all you question before you submit.
6. Review your Answers
After you have attempted the entire given questions, you still have to go through all the answers to check for any errors and possible corrections.
By going through the questions, you would be able to see any skipped question(s), if any and the ones you mistakenly clicked the wrong options.
Top 5 Reasons for Poor Performance in WAEC English Language
It is an error to assume that WAEC English Language examination is hard. Failure to perform excellently in WAEC chemistry examination is a question of whether the candidate knows the right things to do and if he/she is doing it right.
The poor performance that have been seen in some candidates’ results over the years are as a result of poor application of the basic principles for writing WAEC English Language examination and some other factors that I am going to show you here.
Inadequate Preparation
This is the most important aspect of the reasons for poor performance in WAEC English Language that should be considered.
It is obtainable in all areas that when there is poor preparation for any examination they will be poor result. As a good student, you are required to prepare for the WAEC English Language examination to the point that you would be sure of scoring high.
Reading without Past Questions
During the preparation phase of WAEC English Language examination and any other subjects, it is very pertinent that candidates make use of past question papers with reference to their answers.
Failure to make use past questions and answers is one the reasons why many candidates are left in abeyance immediately they enter the examination halls for the English Language examinations.
Due to the ignorance of the nature of the examination, they will not even know to answer and most time it will result to examination tension and probably fever for the students.
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Poor Time Management
Time management is another important factor that can lead to poor performance in every examination. You should learn how to manage your time especially when you are in the examination hall.
The practice of time management starts from the period of the candidate’s preparation for the examination. Once you can answer your past questions comfortably with the limited time that will be provided, you will still manage your time very well on the examination date.
Lack of Adherence to Given Instructions
There are some students who are fond of ignoring instructions when come for examination. Jumping into answering of questions without reading the given instructions is very wrong. This contributes in a big way to poor performance in the examination.
If you want to have good performance in WAEC English Language, you have to strictly pay close attention to any given instructions.
Submitting Incomplete Answers
When a candidate submits the examination without attempting all the questions, it will automatically affect his/her score. It is important you answer all the questions before your submission.
I believe that you have found this article helpful. If you have any other questions about WAEC English Questions and Answers 2022 | Objectives, Test of Orals and Theories, kindly make use of the comment section below this article.
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